Monday, July 16, 2018

Chemo #3 - some perks!

Well, I forgot to take a pic, but today was infusion #3 - I'm sort of halfway there! I say sort of, because I still have to get through the side effects, which are much worse than infusion day but not as bad as I expected, by a long shot.

The worst part of infusion day? I have this stick on injector that counts 27 hours and delivers a white blood cell boosting medication. It's called Neulasta, if you're curious. They stick it on me belly, it beeps for 30 seconds, then has 10 tiny clicks, and then BAM  it pokes me with a tiny needle but makes me jump out of my chair. It doesn't hurt, really, but it scares me every time!!! Whoever is with me gets a pretty good laugh.

I met with my oncologist today, and I asked her: "So how do we know this treatment is working?" And here's what she said:

Well, we just know that it works. Because your case is Her2+, it is exquisitely responsive to the treatments we are doing. Then, the chemo is attacking any cells in the body that are rapidly dividing, which will take care of any straggler c cells. And finally, the radiation will get any c that might be hiding out around the breast and armpit area. So your risk of recurrence is very very very low. And, they did some studies about women coming back often for scans to look for recurrence. While those recurrences were found earlier, there was no difference in the lifespan off those women vs ones who just came back when they had symptoms. But, the women who did not receive periodic scans we're overall much happier because they felt that they could close the chapter on c and move on with living their lives.

That, friends, was so encouraging to me! And for those who might be worrying about me, I hope you stop because God's got this, and I hope this report brings you comfort as well.

And now, on to some lighter things! I'd like to present to you, a list of the Top Six Perks of Chemotherapy.

1. It's much faster for me to get ready to go somewhere, because I don't have to fix my hair! (Except here lately, I've been playing with makeup because I got a whole bag of goodies from a c survivor skincare seminar - say that 5 times fast!)

2. Mosquitoes don't bite me - apparently I stink to them or something, because I normally get eaten up and I haven't had the first bite. 

3. Showers are faster because I don't have to shave my legs nearly as often! 

4. I haven't been nauseated at all. Not really a perk compared to normal life, but something I was really really worried about coming into treatment, so it's been a big relief.

5. Maybe a little TMI but the ladies will appreciate this... No monthly hassles!

6. The food. So many people have brought us really yummy stuff, or ordered takeout/delivery for us, and it's been a huge blessing. There have been a few times where my stomach or tastes have been wonky and I had to freeze the leftovers for a few days til things got back to normal, but overall, YUMMMM and thank you!!

Life is good, y'all. Even when it's hard, or different than planned, life is good. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Jesus is Calling... Am I Answering?

A dear friend sent me a care package, and it included the Jesus Calling devotional and a few other goodies.

Actually, several sweet friends have sent lots of goodies and cards and food and and and... I'm terribly behind on thank you notes. (Miss Morris, I see you hanging your head in shame!) But, I so appreciate all of the kindness you have all shown me.

So, back to this devotional... 

"Recall that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine. Instead of trying to direct Me to do this and that, seek to attune yourself to what I am already doing."

Whoa. I mean, sure, we all know that God isn't at our beck and call, but how often are our prayers, or at least mine, 
     Please Lord help me do this.
          Please Lord provide that. 
               Please Lord give me give me give me. 

Or when I'm especially spiritual, it's
     Thank you Lord for helping me do this (task I'm about to do).
          Thank you Lord for providing that (thing which I need but haven't received yet).
But when do I ever actually attune myself to what he's already done? I feel like "attune" implies "change my attitude/actions to match" and honestly, that's not very easy.

It's downright hard. 

But aren't we called to do hard things?
Aren't we fully equipped to do hard things, when we listen to His words of encouragement?

Truly, He can do more than I can ask or think, and that includes helping me attune myself to what He's already done.

In case you're wondering, Round Two was much easier than the first - it was really only about 6 days of feeling really run down. Some of the other symptoms lasted longer than that, but I managed them much better this time and they slowed me down but didn't totally derail me from normal activities. I'm geared up and ready for Round Three's infusion on Monday! James is off work to take me that day, and I'm planning to FINALLY finish sewing Luke's stocking... that I started when he was born, ha!