But.... hip hip hooray, I'm off of all my restrictions!!! I'll come back soon with a medical update, but for now, I have a little something to say. I feel like this is especially relevant as we head into the holiday season, where sometimes the busyness leads to frustration and short tempers.
I am not going to come here and tell you that I have radically changed the way I live my life in the last year and a half.
Yes, I've pulled closer to God to get me through this. Yes, I've leaned on people more than is my norm. But I've always known God is there for me and relied on him, and the people I'm leaning on have been there for me in other, smaller trials as well, so none of this is radical.
There is something that I try to do, now, that I definitely never did before. I wouldn't say it's radical, but it's definitely life-changing for me, and maybe for someone else, too.
When someone impacts my life in a positive way, I try to let them know.
That's it.
That's it.
Whether they're a stranger or a friend, whether it's a big impact or just a little ripple, if I am able, I try to let them know.
The customer service rep I spent an hour on the phone with, but she was helpful and cheerful the whole time? I tell her that her cheerfulness was a pleasure.
The person who let's me out in traffic? He gets a super big wave, and maybe a thumbs up.
Basically, if I have a nice thought about someone, instead of keeping it to myself, I try to tell them.
You were really brave.
I know that situation sucked, but you handled it very gracefully.
Thank you for always ___.
I am proud of you.
I love that dress.
I can tell you love your job.
I can tell you love your job.
These words are often reserved for special situations, close friends or family.... But what if we sprinkle them farther and wider in the world? The grocery store cashier, the phone support person, the fellow shopper. Everyone needs a pick-me-up; the world needs more kindness.
So say what you think.