Wanna know a secret?
I have down days.
If you see me today, I'll probably still be smiling... but I was awake a good chunk of the night, achy and feeling sorry for myself, and still couldn't quite shake it off this morning when I woke up. And I don't even feel "that bad" today, so really, there's no reason for the funk...
Except that I'm human. I'm a person, and not a super hero, so I can't actually fight this fight every single day and win. Some days, I just don't feel like showing up to the fight, and I just want to hide. Or cry. Or both, maybe.
But... this morning, I got up and took Jay to Vacation Bible School at Memorial Baptist Church. Before this week, we've never set foot in there, although I've driven by a few times. It's a beautiful, sprawling red brick church with a big white steeple that chimes (which Jay loves hearing when I pick him up at noon), and it's filled with lots and lots of excited kids and shuffling parents and smiling volunteers this week.
Tuesday was Jay's first day, and although we'd talked about it and he'd been excited, he told me he didn't want to go. I was firm and insisted, and told him if he didn't like it, he didn't have to return on Wednesday. The first whispered words out of his mouth when I picked him up? "I loved it and I want to come back tomorrow!"
Each day has a different theme. Today's was super heroes, and when I picked him up, Jay informed me that Jesus is the best super hero there is: "I learned that today at vacation bible school!" he proudly reported. Kid, you're onto something. A super hero's job is to swoop in and save the day when the regular people have done all they can do, and just can't find a way to win the battle.
So today, I'm just a regular person, doing all I can do, and yet still struggling and feeling more a failure than a success... and, oh hey, there's Jesus, swooping in. Here, right by me, to uphold me through this battle, this journey that is gonna take a while.
I'm not talking about the metaphorical "Jesus is everywhere" talk - although, I do believe that Jesus is, in fact, with me always, because the Bible says so.
But right now, I mean in a more concrete sense. Jesus's words are in me, and when I'm feeling low, He touches a friend and hints that maybe they should reach out to me, right in that moment that I'm feeling a little damp-eyed, and remind me of the truth that regardless of what is going on and how I'm feeling, there is always always always something to be thankful for, and when I choose to focus on that bit of goodness, even if it's tiny, that small-but-bright feeling of hope and grace will sneak in and light up my soul, little by little, and help me pull through today's dark patch.
That, friends, is Jesus, being a super hero. Working through regular people, to reach me right when I need it. God is good, y'all, and I can't do this on my own. Thanks for being a part of my journey, for lifting me up when I just can't.
I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken!
Psalm 16:8