Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Laugh or Cry, Volume 2

Welcome, friends, to another episode of Laugh or Cry.

The Belly Button Chronicles

Ah, the belly button. The subject of books and songs, the source of life and of giggles.

During my surgery, my belly button had to be relocated, because the location where it has resided the last 34 years is now, ahem, much lower than before. So, it was sort of an arts and crafts project - cut it out, paste it into the new location, ta da!

So as you can imagine, when I first got home, it was a bit gruesome looking. Luke looks over Mom's shoulder with a very puzzled look, and says, What's DAT?!

That's my belly button, buddy.

Why you break yous belly button?

Well, sometimes that happens, buddy, sometimes that happens.

(And in case you are wondering, it has already improved greatly in appearance, although it's still got a ways to go before being recognized as a belly button by a 2 year old.)

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